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Taking back control from alcohol

Do I have to stop completely to work with you?

This is something I have personal experience of and helping others take back control from alcohol in order to moderate or to try sobriety is a passion of mine. I was a 'wine o'clock' drinker for many years. It was a learned habit and I was surrounded by others who did just as I did. Don't get me wrong, I used meditation, hypnosis and relaxation techniques to unwind as I tell my clients to, but I also found myself relying heavily on Pinot Grigio to switch off at the end of the day. I was never drunk, rarely even tipsy but it had become a habit and I could feel my health suffering.

Fast forward to today and I've completely cured my IBS, my resting heart rate is lower, my sleep improved, my fitness levels increased, I've lost nearly 3 stone (40lbs), have increased energy. If you'd like to find out more about my story then you can also head to Amazon where you can purchase my audiobook or kindle version to find out more.


  • Weight loss

  • Improved skin

  • Reduction in digestive issues (eg. IBS)

  • Better sleep

  • More confidence & motivation

  • Reduced anxiety

  • Better mood

  • Improved patience and relationships with others

  • A focus on health & wellness

No of course not! Whilst I've chosen to lead a sober life these days you don't have to if that isn't what you're after. I don't ever tell you what you need to do. You decide what you'd like to achieve so if that's moderation, mindful consumption, a sober stint or sobriety for life... that's completely up to you.​ You can simply come to me for a few sessions to get you drinking more mindfully if that's what you're after.
I have three ways I can help depending on what you're looking for... a 30 day package for the sober curious, 90 day package for the serious quitter or ad hoc support that you can pick and choose to create what you're looking for. It is best to have a sober stint to give your body a break, but if you aren't ready for that, book in for a couple of normal sessions with me and we can look at helping you moderate and drink mindfully. I'm here for you, whatever you need.

My goal is to get you started with the right mindset so that you can shift those learned behaviours around alcohol. It's no good having a break from the booze if you haven't dealt with your mindset at the same time.



This package is about kick starting your new healthy lifestyle with a 30 day break from alcohol and is unlike anything you will have tried before. We will look at your mindset, the positives you will gain and throughout what you can learn to make the changes last for you.

THE PACKAGE includes:

Everything you will need to take a 30 day break with the right mindset and then reintroduce alcohol or use this to kick start your sobriety.

  • An initial telephone consultation

  • 4 sessions weekly face to face or online via zoom

  • Tailored hypnosis and relaxations to listen to in between sessions

  • Thought challenging and habit breaking techniques

  • Dealing with cravings or events

  • Remote support via WhatsApp, text or messenger throughout​ the month


(the option to upgrade to the 90 day plan should you want to)


Do you offer a guarantee?

It’s not ethical for a practitioner to guarantee success, partly because you have to want to quit alcohol yourself, but if you’re not completely satisfied with any aspect of the service I provide I’d be happy to give you your money back.

How do I book in?

Get in touch in plenty of time, especially if you have an idea of a quit date as we will need to be working towards that. As this is an intensive treatment course I only take on a certain number of clients at a time. This ensures I give you the best, most focussed service possible.





This is for those who really want to give sobriety a proper chance and see real benefits. I support you to take a 90 day break from alcohol and to challenge those cognitions keeping you stuck. Again, just like with the 30 day package we will look at your mindset, the positives you gain and throughout what you can learn to make the changes last for you.

THE PACKAGE includes:

Everything in the 30 day package with the addition of two further months of support. This is ideal for those who want a serious kick start to their health journey.

  • An initial telephone consultation

  • 10 sessions face to face or online via zoom 

  • Tailored hypnosis and relaxations to listen to in between sessions

  • Thought challenging and habit breaking techniques

  • Dealing with cravings or events

  • Remote support via WhatsApp, text or messenger throughout the three months

TOTAL COST £1000 for the whole 3 months

How does it work?

It's really important that you understand that you play an active role in this process, as you do with all hypnosis. It's about maximising your motivation, minimising any negative beliefs about your ability to quit and you engaging fully throughout. You may have heard stories of people having a session of hypnosis and completely changing a habit and whilst that is possible, it isn't maximising your chance of success if we don't also work on
you becoming more psychologically resourceful and resilient. 


07772 336342

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