Some useful films
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What to do if someone doesn't like you...
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Do you struggle to be assertive because you're worried about someone not liking you? Are you focussed too much on bending to the will of other people or letting them talk to you in a way that isn't acceptable just so that they don't take offence? Assertiveness isn't aggression and the need for others to like you isn't helpful. Watch this film to find out how to let go of that need for acceptance from others.
How to take control of your thoughts
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When it comes to mental health, one of the most important things to learn is how to observe our thoughts, stop unhelpful ones and then let them go. This film contains an explanation of the way that the interactions we have with others and initial 'pop up' thoughts about our behaviour can then become even more powerful and unhelpful thoughts about who we are. It also runs through an easy way to stop these thoughts in their tracks.
Facts about hypnosis
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In this short film, I look at how to get the best out of hypnosis and dispel many myths and misconceptions around the subject.
The more you understand about hypnotherapy, the more effective it is likely to be. Hypnosis is a special way of using various naturally occurring psychological and physiological states.
If there are any points in this film that you don't understand or don't agree with, please do get in touch.
A tension-release relaxation
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There are two things that will help your mindset and physical well-being immensely. The first is being able to stop unhelpful thoughts and release them and the second is in being able to release tension from the body. We've looked at releasing thoughts and letting go in the mind in the 'leaves on a river' exercise and now in this relaxation you will be learning to let go in the body. By doing this tension-release exercise, you will be learning how to truly relax your muscles and by repeating the exercise towards the end with cue words, you will be able to take this skill into your every day life.
What happens to the body when you're in stress?
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Find out why we encourage a daily practice of meditation, deep breathing and mindfulness with this in depth look at the autonomic nervous system.
I recommend that everyone take 10 or 15 minutes out of their day, time just for you to reset and revive your body's natural systems and this film goes into more detail on the science behind this recommendation.
Mindfulness of breathing and thoughts
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The art of mindfulness and observing you breath and thoughts is a really useful skill to have. When you can observe your thoughts and even your emotions as an observer without getting 'tied up' in them, it is easier to let go of unhelpful thoughts when they occur. By practicing this mindfulness exercise regularly you will get better and better at becoming the observer of these things, and in turn, letting them go. As with any mindfulness exercise or meditation, listen in a safe space and never whilst driving.
An awareness of the breath
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This is the first in a mini series of films on breathing techniques. Reseting your autonomic nervous system can be done with intentional or focussed breath. This series of mini films demonstrates a few of the different breathing techniques that you can use in the moment to calm you. Just remember one or two that suit you and keep them in mind the next time you find yourself feeling anxious.
To watch the others head to my YouTube channel.
Leaves on a stream
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This exercise is designed to help you observe and then detach from any thoughts, feelings or sensations you may experience during it. It's a cognitive diffusion exercise. The ability to observe your thoughts without attachment is a skill you can then use in every day life.
In this exercise you become a detached observer of your thoughts without judgement. There is no right or wrong way to do this, whatever you picture will be right for you. Simply immerse yourself in the experience.
How to deal with catastrophic thinking or negative intrusive thoughts
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In this film I go through the best way to deal with catastrophic thinking which is where a thought comes to you that really isn't helpful at all and you want to get rid of it. Now this is going to be a little controversial as there are some good elements to the law of attraction, namely encouraging people to goal set and focus on the positives in life. However, it has one major downside that trips people up when it comes to dealing with intrusive, negative or unhelpful thoughts like this. Trying to suppress or ignore them won't work...