Cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy, also known as Hypno-CBT® is where hypnotherapy is seamlessly integrated with CBT. It's much more than doing a bit of CBT and then some hypnosis at the end. It can be used to treat a wide range of physical illnesses as well as fears, phobias and other mindset challenges. It is considered to be one of the quickest forms of therapy and most things can be treated in around 4-6 sessions. You don't have to be overcoming something either, you may want to use this technique to improve your performance at work or in sport.
How does it work?
We look at how you feel, act and think in certain situations and work on shifting all three areas towards your goal. This isn't a talking therapy, you won't spend hours in the chair going over your childhood, in fact CBH is very much focussed on the here and now. We identify what it is you want to change and then, working together, we set realistic targets to achieve those changes.
In a session we identify key scenarios where you'd like to shift something, away from behaviours and thoughts that you no longer want to have and towards the way you want to act and think. We then strengthen those changes to thoughts, feelings and behaviour by using the powerful tool of hypnosis to achieve lasting change.
It could be you want to break a bad habit of smoking or nail biting, you may want to overcome anxiety, have confidence issues or want help to be more assertive at home or at work. It can be used to help with anger management, sleep disorders, depression, pain management and even physical ailments such as eczema or other skin conditions. It can also help to break bad habits in order for you to lose weight or make other lifestyle changes towards a healthier life. For those looking to advance their career, CBH can be used to overcome public speaking anxiety or performance anxiety.
What evidence is there to support the use of hypnosis in therapy?
Thousands of positive experimental and clinical research studies on hypnosis have been published. It was recognised as an effective treatment by the British Medical Association (BMA) and American Medical Association (AMA) in the 1950s and, more recently, by the American Psychological Association (for obesity) and NICE guidance (for IBS) used by the NHS.
Hypnosis is essentially a simple, down-to-earth, and common sense therapy. For example, by relaxing, thinking positively, and picturing your goals, hypnosis can help you to progressively improve your habitual feelings and behaviour.
Can anyone be hypnotised?
All hypnosis is essentially self hypnosis in that you need to fully relax and immerse yourself in your imagination. As long as you have the right mindset then yes, anyone can be hypnotised. It isn't magic, nor is it any form of mind control. You are aware, aware and involved in every step of the way. Read a full factsheet here on hypnosis and what it is and what it isn't.
Does it have to be in person?
No, it doesn't have to be in person, especially since the pandemic it is possible to have sessions online as long as you have a good and reliable internet connection.
If you feel that you'd like to find out more then contact